Sorry guys for the late post of the potrait of the week.. This week the theme for the potrait of the week was "SuperHero" Here are the nominees..
daniXP @ Voltage.. siapa yang minta jumper keretanya or minta charging tpn.. just look for me.. hehehhe
Abg Hj, the Parple dinasor.. eh salah, Hero.. kedia ani macam incredible hulk tapi lain warna saja.. tekana nila.. muhahahhahaa...
gfadz @ Hj Petrelli.. kedia ani antah ah.. alum lagi tau pa power nya.. tiap2 pagi plg minum power root, tapi alum menjadi power nya... hehehe
Aerony @ Daredevil.. membari ijap ni lau sama kedia.. pksa membawa sedia fire extingusher..
nah ani abg azrin @ abg gaban.. hehehhehehhehehehhehehhe.... muhahahhahahahha... jap jap ketawa ku dulu... hehehhehehe... kedia ani kalau ilang pistol nya atu.. ilang tia power nya.. hahaha..
setiap Superhero mesti ada ketua urg jahat nya.. ah ni nah kedia ah.. ketua gengsta jahat, Abg Dika @ the mastermind.. pink lagi toh.. shweett shweet gitu...
ani adi bradi sebapa tapi lain mama c rambo.. hehehe.. Haikal @ Alif Rimba.. hehehe