IN THE HEADLINES OF BORNEO BULLETIN WEEKEND TODAY; OWING TOO MUCH $$$ She's just 25 years old and earns close to $3,000 a month. While she may be young and highly educated, she is sadly broke ! On top of her loans, this woman who plans to get married within the next two years is over $9,000 in debt thanks to her credit cards. taken from the weekend today, more news click here daniXP says ; Who is to be blame here? The Credit Card issuer or herself ? No doubt that Brunei Darussalam is experiencing a raise in the standard of living.. everything from foods,wears and electricals devices are getting expensives.. Its kind of a trend whereby a person now own at least 2 handphones and families own at least 2 cars, astro , etc.. and not forgetting to mention the trend of owning a DSLR.. *ehem ehem*. If we give it a thought closely, is it really a necessity owning a 2 handphone? a 2 cars? and a DSLR? hahaha.. TEPUK DADA TANYA SELERA lah .. How did we managed to finance all of this ? ...